Sunday 17 April 2011

Let's keep HIM real.

President James Michel doesn’t have to use the media, at this time, to paint an image in voters’ minds. He has been doing it for the past seven years through his active presidency principle - it can even be said that he has been doing it his whole life. The President joined politics at a very young age.

Unlike his rival - who after spending 15 years  as Opposition Leader, receiving rather than giving, has for the past weeks developed a limping strategy of throwing Private Notice Questions to challenge ministers of the President’s Cabinet in the National Assembly, when fishing for a few votes.
The Head of State, James Alix Michel, has been real all along without stopping to think that it means an edge in votes proving to the voters that he is honest, generous, compassionate and hardworking.
His generosity has enabled Seychellois to collect benefits from various sectors of the country following the reform. A risky reform that has tested the strengths of a cautious President.
His compassion has taken him to communities and work places, and he embraces Seychellois in both distressing and cheerful times.
His hard work has laid the foundation for a new, beautiful and prosperous Seychelles, the content of Expo 2020.
To him honesty is a normal positive morale value and easy too. Probably he is the only presidential candidate in the world to stake his moral platform on total honesty - using it as a character trait rather than a political tool. To be truthful a 100 percent, even on sensitive issues that can be seen as a political suicide by others, defines the man. He is his own better half- and has the right persona.
In a race against President Michel, it can clearly be seen that the staple of the Opposition’s politics remain - dishonesty. The Opposition’s political strategy has failed. President Michel will be re-elected with by a large majority.

Source: The People

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